Innovative Online Designer
Launch the Online Shade Designer for custom designs and pricing
That's right, we built the very first Printed Window Shade Design Studio. We wanted to build a tool that allows each person to harness the designer inside themselves and create their own custom printed window shades.
Upload any image
Remember that great image that you took on your trip to Yosemite? Print it.
How about the cutest picture ever of your child? Print it.
Your business logo for a storefront? Print it.
That Instagram post that got all the likes? Print it.
Whether you are a seasoned graphic design professional or an enthusiast of unique, printed art, we offer best-in-class file upload support for your project.
- AI / EPS / SVG / PDF

Need help Finding an image?
“OrangePiel offers graphic design consulting and services to help you get your project done right.”
Fortunately, there are lots of options to find great images for your project. Below we have listed a few of our favorite sites to search for the perfect design for your custom printed window shade.
- Unsplash (royalty free)
- Shutterstock (small fee required)
OrangePiel offers graphic design services and consulting for your custom printed decor projects. Contact us directly and we will be happy to help.
Customize your shade options
We built the OrangePiel Design Studio with you in mind. See your shade update in real-time as you make changes the industry-leading options that we offer.
- Sizing (up to 16-feet!)
- Motorization
- Fascia and Color
- Fabric Style
- Chain Color and Position
- Image Orientation
- Roll Type
Free Shipping is on us
We like free shipping too. All of our shades are custom produced for you. From design to printing to shipping, every step is custom for you.
Production in 2-3 weeks
Generally speaking from the time you click "purchase" to a custom printed shade arriving on your doorstep takes between 10 to 14 business days.
If you need your shades faster, contact us directly and we can see if expediting your order is possible.
OrangePiel believes in transparent pricing. Adjust your options and your price adjusts along with it, allowing you to feel confident you are getting the best price.
We're here to help
Look for the "?" in the design studio. We've added lots of content to help you choose the perfect options for your project.
If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact OrangePiel. We've added lots of information about what each of our options mean in the studio.